Treatment Essentials

Preparing for your treatment

massage • craniosacral • reiki


Drink Lots of Water. You will reap a greater benfit if you drink plenty of water 24 hours before and after your visit. Why? Because it will help your system flush out any toxins. Reflectively, you will then be better able to handle the increased flow of blood, lymph and oxygen throughout your tissues.

Breathe Deeply. Your breath is your connection to all that is. When you pay attention to your breath you make a deeper connection to your inner being and to the unified field of all that is. Every cell in your body awakens a little more with each breath as you take in all that you need and release all that is no longer needed. Remember that when you are receiving Massage or Reiki, I love hearing you breathe deeply!

Communicate with Your Therapist. Let your therapist know if something feels particularly good and effective; likewise speak up if something causes you discomfort.

If you feel sick, including having a cold, fever, or flu-like symptoms, postpone your massage. With the exception of lymphatic massage, which may be appropriate in some instances, allow your body to return to wellness before receiving massage. When you are fighting off illness, having a massage is taxing on your system, though Reiki could be helpful depending on your condition. If you have a question about whether or not to keep your appointment when you don't feel well, call me to discuss it
